Thursday, February 16, 2012

My First Layer Cake Attempt...and the Things I Learned!

 I LOVE my kitchen!  It's my favorite room of the house.  I have learned, however, that I am much better at cooking meals and baking small things rather than baking cakes.  This past weekend I made my first attempt at baking a layer cake.  In order to better explain the experience, I have compiled a short list of "dos" and "don'ts" of cake baking.  And, yes, this list reflects things that I learned......the hard way!  Enjoy!

1. DO leave yourself plenty of time to complete your project.
2. DON'T try to bake too much cake batter at one time for the layers.
3. DO let the cake cool completely before cutting the cake into layers.
4. DON'T attempt to cut the cake on a surface that is not level.  If you do, your cake will be lop-sided and will be difficult to frost.
5. DO listen to awesome music while baking in order to ease the stress.
6. DON'T let clumps of cake creep into your frosting! ;)
7. DO use fun frosting tips when decorating.
8. DON'T use a half inch of frosting on the top of the cake.
9. DO enjoy the cake with a hot cup of coffee!
10. DON'T let the first try stop you from trying again!

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